Causes of Depression in Young Adults

According to WHO, "depression results from a complex interaction of social, psychological and biological factors." These may include the following.

Physical Factors.
As was true in Julia's case, depression often runs in families, suggesting that genetics can play a role perhaps affecting chemical activity in the brain. Other physical risk factors include cardiovascular disease and changing hormone levels, as well as ongoing substance abuse, which may intensify depression, if not give rise to it.

While a little stress can be healthy, chronic or excessive stress can be physically and psychologically harmful, sometimes to the point of plunging a susceptible, or biologically vulnerable, teen into depression. That said, the exact causes of depression remain unclear and may involve a combination of factors, as mentioned earlier.

Stress-related factors linked to depression may include parental divorce or separation, the death of love ones, physical or sexual abuse, a serious accident, illness, or a learning disability-especially if a child feels rejected as a result. A related factor may be unrealistically high parental expectations, perhaps in regard to scholastic achievement. other possible causes are bullying, uncertainty about the future, emotional estrangement by a depressed parent, and parental unpredictability. If depression results, what may help a teen to cope?

Moderate to severe depression is usually managed with medication and counseling by a mental-health professional.
Jesus Christ said: "Those who are strong do not need a physician, but those who are ill do." (Mark 2:17) And illness can affect any part of our body, including our brain! Lifestyle changes may also be advisable because our mind and body are closely connected.
If you suffer from depression, take reasonable measures to care for your physical and mental health. For instance, eat wholesome meals, get sufficient sleep, and exercise regularly. Exercise releases chemicals that can lift your mood, increase your energy, and improve your sleep. If possible, try to recognize triggers and early warning signs of a depressive mood and create a suitable plan of action. Confide in someone you trust. A supportive network of close family members and friends may help you to cope more effectively with your depression, possibly reducing symptoms. Record your thoughts and feelings in a journal-a practice that helped Julia, quoted earlier. Above all, be sure to address your spiritual need.
This can greatly improve your outlook on life. Jesus Christ said: "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need." Matthew 5:3.

Both Anna and Julia attest to Jesus' words. Anna says: "Spiritual activities make me focus on other people, not just on my own problems. That isn't always easy, but i am much happier as a result." Julia finds comfort in prayer and Bible reading. "Pouring out my heart to God in prayer clams me," she says. "And Bible helps me to see that i am valuable in God's eyes and that he really cares about me. Bible reading also gives me a positive view of the future."

As our Creator, Jehovah God fully understands how our upbringing, experiences in life, and genetic makeup influence our outlook and emotions. He is therefore able to supply needed support and comfort, perhaps doing so through compassionate and understanding fellow humans.