What to Do After You Have Unprotected Sex – AKINSETE HEALTH BLOG
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What to Do After You Have Unprotected Sex

So you had a one-night stand. Try not to sweat it too hard—anywhere in the range of 50 percent to an astounding 72 percent of individuals admit to no-quid pro quos sex. With bars, sites, and hookup applications in the palm of your hand, getting down with somebody you scarcely know isn't such an irregularity any longer.

In any case, having a morning-after strategy is vital—particularly in the event that you didn't utilize insurance. This is what you have to know not you're sound after an erratic hookup sans condom.

Inside 30 Minutes

Take a trek to the restroom.

Set aside STI (the upgraded term for STD) and pregnancy stresses. There's nothing you can do about both of those right now. Rather, concentrate on what you can control: bringing down your danger for UTIs. Around 80 percent of ladies who get UTIs have engaged in sexual relations in the previous 24 hours. "A few ladies are just more inclined to the contamination, yet a standout amongst the best courses for anybody to maintain a strategic distance from an UTI is to pee not long after sex," says Kat Van Kirk, Ph.D., authorized marriage and family advisor and clinical sexologist. It gets out the urethra, clearing microorganisms alongside it.

Know your danger of getting a STI isn't 100 percent.

We understand that you might be gone crazy, yet there is some uplifting news: While STI rates are going up, as indicated by the CDC, your danger of being contaminated following a one-night stand isn't so highly contrasting, Van Kirk says. Components that become an integral factor incorporate your accomplice's age and geographic area; whether your invulnerable framework is caught up with battling off an icy; or whether you have microabrasions on your vagina, penis, butt, mouth, or different ranges that have skin-to-skin contact or introduction to liquids.

Inside 72 Hours

Take Plan B.

Not on anti-conception medication, women? "Take a crisis prophylactic inside 72 hours of unprotected sex, yet sooner is shockingly better," says Fahimeh Sasan, D.O., aide teacher of obstetrics, gynecology, and regenerative science at Mount Sinai in New York. Arrangement B or a non specific adaptation of the OTC med is 89 percent compelling in averting pregnancy if taken inside 72 hours, yet that number bounced to 95 percent in the event that you take it inside 24 hours of having intercourse.

Certainly take it in case you're ovulating—the time when your body's generally ripe. In any case, unless you're super acquainted with your cycle and you know ovulation is over five days away, it's most likely a smart thought to snatch it, Van Kirk says. In case you're on the pill or utilize another type of contraception, spare your cash, both specialists concur.

Note: Whether you're female or male, gay or straight, in the event that you believe there's any chance you've been presented to HIV, caution your medicinal consideration supplier or crisis room doctor. You might be recommended post-introduction prophylaxis (PEP), a 28-day treatment that may keep a HIV disease from grabbing hold.

Look at for anything of the customary down under.

For ladies, this incorporates irregular release—changes in volume, consistency (e.g., chunkier), or shading (less clear, more white, or pinkish/ridiculous)— and also surprising scent (fishy, yeasty) and irritation or torment, Van Kirk says. Most STIs are asymptomatic, yet diseases like UTIs, yeast contaminations, or bacterial vaginosis cause side effects like this anywhere in the range of 24 hours to a week post hookup. Different indications of STIs for ladies can be found here. Folks, check any abnormal manifestations against this rundown.

Take supply of your mental state.

It's not surprising to feel somewhat down after a one-nighter. In case you're feeling blue, talk it out with a trusted companion or a specialist. Be that as it may, don't be too hard on yourself, and recollect that you're not the only one: One study discovered just 54 percent of ladies felt great following a one-night stand (contrasted with 80 percent of men). Acknowledge that you settled on a choice at the time and proceed onward to guaranteeing you're solid. Try not to let baseless sentiments of disgrace supersede imperative next strides, such as getting tried for STDs or pregnancy.

2 Weeks Post Hookup

Take a pregnancy test.

While an at-home pregnancy test is most accurate one week after your missed period, many brands offer tests that are more than 99 percent accurate even sooner (like First Response). But if you want to know for sure—and ASAP—schedule an appointment with your doc, who can test for the markers in your blood.

See your OB/GYN or PCP.

It’s a good idea to get tested two weeks post hookup, Sasan says. That’s when you can get a preliminary all-clear on STIs. Most STI tests look for antibodies, and your immune system may not have necessarily developed these at 14 days, but a clean result provides a little security to get you through to your follow-up a few weeks later.

Watch out for symptoms.

One sign to look out for: a herpes sore outbreak. This could occur anywhere from 10 days to 10 years after being infected, but it’s crucial to get to the doc as soon as you spot one, Van Kirk says. “You have to actually swab an open lesion to confirm that it’s herpes, so once the sore heals—which can be within just a few days—there’s nothing to test for,” she explains. If a questionable bump pops up down there or around your mouth, call your doc that day. Most clinics will squeeze you in if you tell them you’re worried you have a herpes sore, she adds.

6 Weeks to 6 Months Post Hookup

See your doc (again).

If your tests are clean at your two-week visit, going back a month later will confirm these results, Sasan says. And while you’re probably fine, Van Kirk recommends another visit three to six months later. HIV and HPV in particular take longer for your body to create antibodies against, so six months increases the likelihood that, if this virus is in your system, your immune system will have reacted enough for a test to pick up on.

After 6 Months

When do you have confirmation you’re free and clear? With pregnancy, you can breathe that sigh of relief after your blood test comes back negative, or once you get your period, Sasan says.
Unfortunately, you don’t have the same comfort with STIs. “People can have contact, get exposed to an STI, but not have it manifest,” Sasan says. Since some stay dormant in your system for years, it’s crucial to get an STI check at every annual checkup and to use condoms with all future partners.
With the potential for STIs and unplanned pregnancy, reckless hookups are rife with reasons to beat yourself up. But use it as a motivating factor, Van Kirk suggests. “All you can do is plan to be more responsible in the future,” she adds.

Before Next Time

So what should you do differently next time? For starters, BYO condoms. And even more importantly: Don’t be shy about asking—aloud—whether your partner puts one on. There’s no shame in insisting you’re both staying safe. Also remember: If the condom breaks, all the above rules still apply.
If you’re experiencing any kind of regret, analyze what factors led you to make this decision, Van Kirk adds. Research has proven what most of us have learned for ourselves: When we drink heavily, we're more likely to make poor and impulsive decisions. So if you can’t trust yourself after tequila, then know to stay away from that on your next night out. You live and you learn.
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