10 Best Golden Globe Bodies – AKINSETE HEALTH BLOG
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10 Best Golden Globe Bodies

10 Best Golden Globe Bodies

The 2015 Golden Globes took place last night and we take a look at 10 of the female winners and nominees’ best bodies and how they’ve achieved them
Winner for Best Performance in Drama

72nd Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals

Moore, who was the only female up for two Golden Globes, revealed to Health magazine in November 2013 that she does `Ashtanga yoga three times a week. Ashtanga yoga helps improve strength, circulation and of course, a peaceful mind. It involves a progression of movements that synchronise with breathing techniques which creates a detoxifying effect.
The Golden Globe winner also admitted that she works with a personal trainer as she needed to add variety due to her age, saying `The main problem is I can’t do anything six days straight because I get hurt. That’s the thing about old age, eventually your hip starts to hurt and you have to switch and do something else.`
The 54 year old (yes, she’s 54!) eats dinner early, stating `People will tell me we’re having dinner at 7:30pm and I’m like, ‘Are you kidding?’ In an ideal world, I’d eat at 5 every night.` Eating early can help lose weight because your body has more time to process the food. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity in February 2013 showed that people who ate their main meal of the day before 3pm lost more weight than those who ate the same meal later on in the evening.
The mother of two also revealed that she `did a juice cleanse before the Golden Globes for three days` (we know what that feels like), and recognised the benefits when she attended her weekly yoga class.
`I was so much more flexible. My teacher said `Wow, you’re really bendy.` I’m like `It’s the food.` You realise how important diet is. Dairy, sugar, alcohol – all those things affect you.`

Nominated for Best Performance in Drama

72nd Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals

The 38 year old combines strength training and cardio up to four times a week to maintain her figure, often working out with trainer Michael George who gave an insight into Witherspoon’s workout to Shape in 2012.
Michael’s main tips? `Eat clean and healthy with small meals and snacks daily, reduce alcohol consumption, and do cardio 30 minutes a day for six days per week`. Eeeek, six days a week. But then again, it is only half an hour of your day.
The trainer who has also helped Julianne Moore and Meg Ryan keep fit stressed `It’s important not to `dismiss the strength training` as it’s the main `activity that fires up your metabolism.`
Here’s a video with Michael George that gives a sneak peak into the leg exercises the mother of three does to obtain those shapely pins.
Additionally, the nominee for Best Drama Performance in Wild revealed to Good Housekeeping in 2012 that `I like to run for about an hour, and I’m big into working out with girlfriends. It’s an acquired skill, being able to discuss your love life, children, and friends – all while you’re running. But we’ve mastered it` she joked.
In 2012, she told US Weekly that she doesn’t `believe in crash dieting or anything like that.` A healthy mindset that we agree with.

Nominated for Best Actress in a Comedy Series 

72nd Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals

Schilling’s best known for her role as Piper Chapman in the Netflix hit Orange is the New Black which she was nominated as Best Performance in Comedy Television Series for.
In August 2013, the 30 year old told Shape magazine, `I have a really moderate, simple routine. I like to do yoga, Pilates and dance. I started doing yoga in college, so my body craves it. I do it two to three times a week, sometimes more. I practice Vinyasa style yoga` (a flow like yoga movement that focuses on breath).
Schilling’s a fan of the reformer machine, exclaiming `I also started Pilates on the reformer, which is really fun. I can literally feel my muscles working and being transformed.`
Not only that, she attends various gym classes. `There are different classes I like to do at Equinox gyms. I especially like their early morning class called `Beats Extreme` where it’s just great music and you end up African dancing one day and something else the next. I just recently discovered how much I love dancing.`
For a confidence boost, Schilling does pole dancing classes, saying `It gives you so much confidence. I never thought I’d do it, but now I’m really into it.`

Nominated for Best Performance for Musical or Comedy

72nd Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals

Blunt isn’t shy from staying away from gruelling workouts. In the film Tomorrow, the 31 year old had to work out two and a half hours six days a week for almost three months to be able to wear a suit that weighed 85 pounds. `It was brutal at first and then became addictive` she told USA Today in June 2014.
The Into the Woods nominee thanked the training to helping her body `bounce back quicker` after giving birth to her daughter.  She joked that her husband,  film director and actor John Krasinski, `thought I was going to bench him. I don’t know if I looked terribly alluring. I was all edges. It was empowering for sure.`
`I really don’t try and diet. I’m a huge foodie. I love to eat, I love to cook` she admitted.
Blunt often works out with trainer Jason Walsh so naturally, he was the go to man when she had to acquire an even more muscular yet lean body. Walsh told Women’s Health in June 2014 that they started with strength training, mobility and flexibility.
`Once her body was resilient and strong enough, and she had a lot of endurance, I took her out to the UCLA track to really condition her. She did tons and tons of sprints up stairs. And then, towards the end, I started having her do all the stuff on the track with a weight vest. We worked from 10-pound weight vest to a 20-pound weight vest to a 30-pound weight vest.` (Crikey.)
`Not only did we get her stronger, but we also talked about recovery and how important it is, whether that’s sleep, hydration, nutrition, how soft tissues work` he added.

Nominated for Best Performance in a Drama Television Series

72nd Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals

What’s Margulies secret to maintaining a healthy diet? The 48 year old (can you believe she’s 48 because we can’t) told Women’s Health’s 2013 Weekly addition `The second I buy fruit or vegetables I wash them, cut them up, and put them in the fridge so they are ready to eat. When you’re hungry, you’ll take what is in there, whether it’s a pre-made salad or junk.`
The actress, nominated for Best Performance in the drama television Series The Good Wife, is a firm believer in not denying yourself anything. Margulies explained that she eats `for energy` but also she’s `not a believer in denying myself anything – I think people who do that end up bingeing and not being happy.`
This was reiterated in Harper’s Bazaar 2010 interview when she said ` When you’re tired, you grab crappy food. Most of the time I have willpower and grab almonds or healthy food, but every now and then you just say, `I need chocolate`. And that’s okay. Everything in moderation.`
She admitted, `I became obsessed with this step machine.  I can now do it backwards without hands. Within five minutes, you’re sweating and you can literally see your bum lift up. I’m one of those strange people: I really love going to the gym` she added.
The mother of one revealed her workout regime to The New York Times in 2012, saying `When I’m not filming, I’ll work out about six days a week. I like to do a lot of cardio. And I love running. I find it very meditative.`
And her idea of beauty? `Confidence is beautiful.`

Winner for Best Performance for Musical or Comedy 

Moet & Chandon At The Weinstein Company's 2015 Golden Globe Awards After Party

In March 2014,  the Big Eyes Golden Globe winner told Vogue that she’s started strength training by working out with light weights `once a week to maintain muscle mass`.
As a youngster, Adams trained as a ballet dancer which made her have a healthy approach to working out, often running a mile a day where possible. The woman must be dedicated as she has two personal trainers, Jason Walsh and Tracy Anderson.
In the past, the 40 year old mother of one admitted to Marie Claire in 2010 that she tried S Factor – pole dancing classes by Sheila Kelley, which incorporates ballet, yoga, Pilates and strip teasing, stating `Some of mom friends said it’s a good way to lose the baby weight and I’ll do anything to get off that treadmill.` I don’t blame her.
`Technically I’m a petite person, but I’ve always been strong. And I’ve never been into deprivation` she stated in Elle’s 2010 addition. A strong woman who doesn’t deny herself? Our type of woman.

Nominated for Best Performance in a Drama Television Series

72nd Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals

Claire Danes, who was nominated for Best Performance in the Television Drama Series Homeland has personal trainer Joe Dowdell to thank for her svelte figure.
On Dowdell’s website, Danes (along with other well-known names including Anne Hathaway and Tara Stiles) has written a testimonial of the physical limits Joe pushes her to, stating `Three times a week, he orders me to drag up to fifty pounds of weight across the gym floor, puts me in steel contraptions that closely resemble torture devices, and makes me run, row, kick, and punch until I sweat profusely and gasp for precious oxygen.`
The 35 year old added: `After working with Joe for over a year and a half, I’ve never been stronger or more energetic. I feel significantly better after working out than I do before.`

Nominated for Best Performance in a Drama

72nd Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals

It’s no wonder Pike was nominated for Best Performance for her chilling role as Amy Elliot in last year’s hit Gone Girl.
The 35 year old worked out everyday for seven months in the run up to her leading performance, doing sparring sessions with number five welterweight female boxer in the world, Holly Lawson, stating `I have a fondness for difficulties.`
The mother of one joked that her healthy figure was the reason why she got pregnant so quickly in Vanity Fair’s 2014 June interview, as she had `never been in such good shape.`

Winner for Best Actress in a Limited TV series

72nd Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals

Maggie Gyllenhaal,who won Best Actress for the TV series Honourable Woman has always been known for her healthy eating ways, telling Self magazine in 2011 `I make three cups of lentils with feta cheese and vinaigrette. Lentils are really good because they are healthy, they fill you up and they are packed with protein. You can put them in the refrigerator and then it’s lentil salad to bring on-the-go.`
For keeping fit, Gyllenhaal stated that `For most of my life, I’ve done the very athletic form of yoga– Ashtanga, you get so strong.` (Yep, another fan).
She revealed that her actor husband Peter Sarsgaard got her into running. `He started to teach me about running, so I’ve been running lately. I can take a forty-five minute run, I feel like I’ve worked out and then I’m done` she told Fitness magazine in 2013.
The pair sometimes do five mile runs together but `When I run by myself, I run about three and a half miles` she added.
Apart from running, the 37 year old added: `I’ve been doing this aerobic class. I’m a beginner. It has been great for my body because it’s so toning and strengthening. I was doing an hour of cardio which I had to work up to, but it made me feel so strong. So when I started running, even though it was very different and much harder, I had some strength already.`

Nominated for Best Performance in a Drama

The 2015 InStyle And Warner Bros. 72nd Annual Golden Globe Awards Post-Party

The 45 years old revealed to Women’s Health in the 2014 January issue that `Variety is key for me. `I love cycling, I love yoga and I recently started doing barre method—which is painful and hard.`
The fiancee of Justin Theroux  admits that she used to be a `crazy workout girl` but a knee injury made her listen to her body’s needs more. `I kind of stay with more simple stuff and taking walks and not being neurotic about working out and eating right in the last year and a half` she said.
Aniston stocks up on frozen red grapes for a healthy snack, stating `they’re really easy and delicious.`
For her Golden Globe nominated performance in the drama Cake, Aniston went completely make-up free and stated that she felt `so fabulous and empowering and liberating` without it at the 2014 Deadline Contenders Panel held at Hollywood’s DGA Theatre.

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